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Fuel Economy Meter

  • Understanding The Subaru WRX Fuel System
    One of the keys to achieving power is the correct ratio of fuel for a given quantity of air. Either too much or too little fuel results in an engine that is down on power, delivers poor economy and has a big question mark against its long term durability. The primary job of the engine tuner is to ensure that the engine management system has been programmed to deliver fuel in the correct quantities at all times. Fuel Mixture is measured in units Read More...
  • How to Lower Your Gas Cost by 50% Starting Today!
    How to lower your gasoline cost by 50%, thru a step-by-step method, starting today by spending only 1 hour a month. Introduction As gasoline prices continue to climb higher and higher, many people are beginning to look for ways to slash their fuel bills. While there have been many different ideas put forth; some are not suitable for all consumers due to the fact that they must commute to work; are financially unable to trade in their existing v Read More...
  • Tips For Choosing a Blood Glucose Meter
    If you have been diagnosed with diabetes then you know that you are going to be in for some changes in your life. Most of the time your diet and exercise routine will have to change to help keep your blood glucose levels under control. Diabetes is not something that can be taken lightly, because it can cause quite a few medical problems and in the worst case even death. The best way to keep your blood glucose levels under control is using a bl Read More...