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New Hybrid Cars

  • Electric and Hybrid Cars
    Modern technologies have prompted automobile innovations to adapt to the changing interests and necessities of people. Originally, cars were gas-powered, and then later on manufacturers have arrived at electric and hybrid cars. Electric cars are run on batteries. These batteries are assembled into battery packs that are either rechargeable or disposable. Sometimes, most buyers prefer the disposable ones because of time-consuming recharging. An e Read More...
  • Hybrid Cars and Gasoline - A Simple Comparision
    Most people have heard about hybrid vehicles, but many people so not understand them. What makes them so different from gasoline vehicles? Why are people so interested in them? How do they compare to a gasoline vehicle? The answers to these questions can be found by looking at a simple comparison of hybrid and gasoline vehicles. A hybrid car operates off a combination of gasoline and battery power. Most hybrid cars do not plug into an elect Read More...
  • Hybrid Cars
    A regular car uses an internal combustion engine with a fuel-air mixture powering it. A hybrid car on the other hand powers itself not only using the conventional means but it also uses a variety of alternate means like fuel-cells and solar-energy to turn the wheels. That makes it more environment friendly and increases its mileage. Some people think that hybrid cars are the cars of the future. They say it is what we will be driving in a ten yea Read More...